Monday, November 13, 2017

Amirm is back!

I was saddened to see that Amirm was bounced out of two other websites I have enjoyed.  He, and his purely objectivist interlocutor Ethan Winer, were two of the most interesting people at WhatsBestForum, for example, and now they've both been bounced.

I wouldn't say I would agree with him always, or even a lot, but he's interesting to read and one of the better ones at combining subjectivism with some kind of objectivism.  About as entertaining and probably at least as accurate as J Peter Montcrief--who doesn't seem to have written anything in a long time.

Well, now he has founded a new audio website himself, and it looks good enough to be added to my sidebar (actually, some of those you might think would have been taken off long ago, but whatever, I like to tease, just like these guys do).

Looks like it's filled with refugees from WBF and the like.

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